Kenya & East Africa union countries integrated in mega projects of China in their country.
Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi form the the East African Community, a regional block that the five nations have used to boost economic integration.
The high speed electric train is the first step Kenya is stepping will be a landmark project both for Kenya and east Africa,"
From Port city MOMBASA to Metropolitan & Capital city Nairobi in Kenya and extending to Uganda, Ruwanda, Democratic republic of congo(D.R.C), Sudan
Kenya has launched a $13.8bn flagship railway project linking the port city of Mombasa to the capital Nairobi and is eventually hoped to extend onwards to neighbouring Uganda., Sudan, Rwanda Ethiopia will developing these places
The new high speed lines reduce the 450 km distance to 4 hrs from 13:hrs between nairobi & Mombasa and freight to 6 hrs and done by the China Road and Bridge Corporation (CRBC)
Even though these mega projects in Africa had raised debts in the Kenyan economy ,, the Kenyan railway project which was planned in 2017 is only completed in 2019 due to such crisis in the economy
Many other African country like north Sudan is also in crisis due to country Sudan got separated to south Sudan and north Sudan and these country depend on mega projects of China due to division as north Sudan is poor than south Sudan as much of the oil wells are in south Sudan country neighbouring Kenya
10 mega projects funded by China in African east and west countries
1) Mega Railway project
a) Kenya, Ethiopia, Angola, Djibouti, and Nigeria.

d) Lobito-Luau Railway in Angola and Abuja-Kaduna Railway in Nigeria
2) 3 billion African Union headquarters building
3) West African regional bloc ECOWAS to build their headquarters at Abuja at a cost of R475.7 million ($31.6 million).
4) R150 million bauxite exploration in Ghana
5) In Angola construction of the Caculo Cabaca Hydropower project in Dondo, Angola worth R67.7 billion to produce 2,172 megawatts of electricity.
6) Republic of Congo’s Special Economic Zone
7) Nigeria to build an oil refinery in Edo State at a cost of R30.1 billion.
8) Zambia cement factory The project is worth R7.5 billion ($500 million)
9) R301.1 billion to build an upmarket residential district, an industrial zone, schools, a university and recreational centres in a new city in Egypt.
10) Zimbabwe new parliament building, built in Mount Hampden about 17 km from the capital, Harare, at an expected cost of R2.1 billion.
Economical Crisis worldwide affect Africa
Apart from this mega project development , the economic crisis in Africa was intense due to fighting extremist groups made or ethnic fights and clashes made U.N peace keeping force to monitor the human violation in the country lead a major U.N peace initiative organization in Daurfur north Sudan and Rwanda . U.N peace initiative organization rehabilitation camps, relief medical & food aid, infrastructure development , and law and order institution on other side of development is necessary to resolve the human right violation and arms raise in the region against minority groups like attack on Christian churches or minority ethnic group
The map shows the rail and road link from Daurfur north Sudan (UN peace initiative organization to Mombasa port city in Kenya is
Daurfur sudan to mombassa Kenya
1) Grand Renaissance Dam in Ethiopia
2) The Aswan High Dam, Egypt
3) The Cahora Bassa Dam in Mozambique
4) Gibe III in Ethiopia
5) The Inga dams in DR Congo
6) The Akosombo Dam in Ghana
The Nile River flows through 11 African Countries consist of Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea, South Sudan, Sudan and Egypt and the longest river of Africa with highland as Ethiopia and low land in Egypt . The river makes big delta in Egypt and end in Mediterranean Sea.
Since the large area of Egypt land is cultivated from water of Nile , Nile River Agreement is written between , Egypt ,Sudan is now changed since many other countries is against this.
The white Nile that flows through Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda meet blue Nile starting from Ethiopia at khartaum in Sudan.
The rise in population and economy made new dam projects in Nile at Ethiopia called Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) on the Blue Nile, near the border with Sudan
The the largest dam in Africa, generating around 6,000 megawatts of electricity for both domestic use and export.
From 1999 , the Nile Agreement was opposed by many other countries in up stream other than Egypt and Sudan due to scarcity if water .
In order to overcome the scarcity of water in upstream like in Ethiopia had given rise to this mega dam that will result scarcity of water in down stream .
This dispute affect this project as Egypt went against this project had given rise to new formula if distribution of water later in 2019
Due to the scarcity of water had made this project to slow down is going tp be completed as the countries had the oppion to make the dam full in 10 year time not in 3 year as described by Ethiopia as this slow filling the capacity of dam nay not affect the countries like Egypt
Empowering Women in Africa by 2015 had given rise to many projects in rural villages . Like the Kudumbasree mission & Ayalkuttam in Kerala , many similar projects had started in Africa after doing studies in Kerala women empowerment mission mentioned
Increasing the daily wages if omen can improve the life standard of families had given rise to many women empowerment projects, institutions, training in Africa by many organization world wide by 2015 made women to self dgend there life and families & children against extremists organization in Africa like Rwandian guerilla, bokoharams .
Education in African rural villages like in Kerala where children are given free Primary education in Anganwadi school providing them meals made more parents to send their children to school rather than sending them to work in farm lands, cattling . similar large number of anganwadi school started in these country had reduced child labor, and other diseases as Anganwadi provide heath check up for childrens
The Darfur genocide is the systematic killing of Darfuri men, women, and children which has occurred during the ongoing conflict in Western Sudan. It has become known as the first genocide of the 21st century.[1] The genocide, which is being carried out against the Fur, Masalit and Zaghawa tribes, has led the International Criminal Court (ICC) to indict several people for crimes against humanity, rape, forced transfer and torture. According to Eric Reeves, more than one million children have been "killed, raped, wounded, displaced, traumatized, or endured the loss of parents and families".
1. The Sahara Desert
25% of the continent and occupies many countries including Chad, Algeria, Sudan, Niger, Morocco, Mali, Libya, Egypt, Mauritania, and Tunisia.
2) The Kalahari
The Kalahari is 362,500 sq. miles in size and its arid and hostile climate not only affects Botswana but also South Africa and Namibia.
3) The Namib
This is a coastal desert found in the southern part of Africa. Its name means vast place. The desert stretches for over 2000 kilometers along the coast of Namibia, Angola, and South Africa.
4) The Nubian Desert
It is located in the eastern part of the Sahara desert and occupies about 400,000km2 of land to the north of Sudan and between the Red Sea and the Nile.
5) The Libyan Desert
6) The Karoo Desert
It is a semi-desert located in South Africa
7) Blue Desert
Sinai desert close to the Red Sea
8 ) Western Sahara
9) Algerian Desert
It is located in the northern central part of Africa and is part of the Sahara. This desert occupies more than four-fifths of Algeria and has lots of sand dunes just like the Sahara desert. To the south-west part of the desert, there are mountain ranges known as the Tassuli n’Ajjer.
10) The Atlas Mountains
African Coffee Bean: Vivid flavors from Ethiopia & Kenya
Arabica coffee cultivation in Ethiopia
Ethiopia and Kenya are the world’s most distinctive coffee origins,& the world’s finest. .Years before the first Arabica coffee plant was found in African ethopian country the ninth century found by the goat herder and find it as a emerging plant.
Ethiopia is the largest coffee producer in Africa.produced 384 000 metric tons of coffee & a home of Arabica coffee, the most popular beans worldwide with 28% exports employing 15 million people in one of three main growing regions — Sidamo, Harrar, Kaffa labelled as Ethiopian Heirloon and crops in variants might be a mix of SL28, SL38, Catuai, Geisha makes Ethiopian coffees heavy and winey or floral and tea like.
Kenya cuppa or coffee roasted beansArabica coffee cultivation in Kenya
Kenya produces top quality Arabica coffee which is globally recognized for its unique and exquisite taste.

The history describes that the first coffee cultivation was started in Africa on Rwanda mountaton
In Dubai duty free shop Kenyan roasted coffee are sold as cuppa in Dubai airport shops
The other cultivation are inland prawns, shrimps farms , bananas etc under UN mission and support
Arabica & Robasta coffee cultivation in wayanad Kerala

Intetcropping Coffee with Rubber for more profit
Roys coffee
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